“The Báb was heart-broken,” His amanuensis, Siyyid Ḥusayn-i-‘Azíz,
subsequently related [to Nabil], “at the receipt of this unexpected
intelligence. He was crushed with grief, a grief that stilled His voice and
silenced His pen. For nine days He refused to meet any of His friends. I
myself, though His close and constant attendant, was refused admittance.
Whatever meat or drink we offered Him, He was disinclined to touch. Tears
rained continually from His eyes, and expressions of anguish dropped
unceasingly from His lips. I could hear Him, from behind the curtain, give vent
to His feelings of sadness as He communed, in the privacy of His cell, with His
Beloved. I attempted to jot down the effusions of His sorrow as they poured
forth from His wounded heart. Suspecting that I was attempting to preserve the
lamentations He uttered, He bade me destroy whatever I had recorded. Nothing
remains of the moans and cries with which that heavy-laden heart sought to
relieve itself of the pangs that had seized it. For a period of five months He
languished, immersed in an ocean of despondency and sorrow.”
With the advent of Muharram in the year 1266 A.H., [Nov.
17-Dec. 17, 1849 A.D.] the Báb again resumed the work He had been compelled to
interrupt. The first page He wrote was dedicated to the memory of Mullá Ḥusayn.
In the visiting Tablet revealed in his honour, He extolled, in moving terms, the
unswerving fidelity with which he served Quddús throughout the siege of the
fort of Tabarsí. He lavished His eulogies on his magnanimous conduct, recounted
his exploits, and asserted his undoubted reunion in the world beyond with the
leader whom he had so nobly served. He too, He wrote, would soon join those
twin immortals, each of whom had, by his life and death, shed imperishable
lustre on the Faith of God. For one whole week the Báb continued to write His
praises of Quddús, of Mullá Ḥusayn, and of His other companions who had gained
the crown of martyrdom at Tabarsí.
- Nabil (‘The Dawb-Breakers’; translated and
edited by Shoghi Effendi)