
January 19, 2014

A youth sees Bahá’u’lláh revealing Verses of God – recalled by Hand of the Cause Tarázu’lláh Samandari

The Hand of the Cause Tarázu'lláh Samandarí undertook his pilgrimage to the Holy Land when he was a youth. It took place during the last months of Bahá'u'lláh's life. He had the privilege of accompanying Bahá’u’lláh on visits to the Garden of Ridván (near Akka), and was present at the time of Bahá’u’lláh's ascension. Here is a portion of his recollections:

Twice I had the honour of being present in His room during the revelation of the Holy Verses. No one was there except His secretary, Mirzá Áqá Ján, and another time, Mirzá Badi’u’lláh[one of Bahá’u’lláh's sons] was there copying Tablets. On these two precious occasions, as the Essence of Glory and Dignity [Bahá’u’lláh] paced the room and chanted verses, I could gaze upon Him and contemplate His luminous face, and behold the vision of the majesty of God and His divine Kingdom. This was indeed a great blessing. As He revealed the verses of God, His face was radiant. Sometimes, He would gesture with His hands while He looked through the window onto the sea.

It was His custom to drink water while revealing the verses when His lips became dry. Mirzá Áqá Ján was occupied in taking down the revealed words. The floor of the room was covered with papers from the dictation. One might guess that they amounted to about one-fifth of the Qur’án, revealed during those few hours.