
March 14, 2024

‘Abdu’l-Baha tells a story about Christ

In the Writings of Baha’u’llah there are events which were not mentioned in the Gospels. These traditions are from the life of Christ. They show the genius and sublimity of Christ. I would like to tell you another story. It is said that one day Christ arrived in a village where the government made a law that the inhabitants must not allow strangers to enter their homes. This was because in those regions robbery was increasing. His Holiness went to the house of an old woman. When she saw His beauty and majesty she was ashamed to refuse to receive Him, and did not want to reject Him. So she admitted Him with the utmost respect. Then when she looked at Him and realized by His manners the greatness of His Holiness, she stepped forward and kissed His hand.

She said to Him: 'I have only one son and nobody else. He was wise, perfect, and we were living very happily. Now, for some time he has been worried; he is mourning; he fills our home with sorrow and sadness; he is working daily, but at night he comes home worried; he does not sleep, and whenever I ask him what the matter is, he does not answer.'

His Holiness said to her: 'Send him to Me.'

Her son came in the evening. The mother said: 'O my son, this is a great personage, and, if you have any trouble, tell him about it.' Then the son went and sat down in the holy presence.

Jesus said: ‘Tell me what art thou suffering from.’

The son: ‘I am not suffering.’

Jesus: ‘Do not speak a lie. Thou hast an incurable malady. Tell it to me. I am trustworthy. I do not tell the secrets of anyone. I keep them. Have confidence. Tell it to me. I will not reveal your secret.’

The son: ‘My sickness has no remedy.’

Jesus: ‘Tell me about it; I will remedy it.’

The son: ‘Because it has no remedy it cannot be cured.’